At The Cross
Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot (1 Peter 1:18-19 NKJV).
Few things are more beautiful and miraculous in the Christian’s story than redemption. Christ died on the cross to make redemption possible. The word “redeem” was originally used in reference to purchasing a slave’s freedom. On the cross, Christ freed us from the bondage of sin and death. His sacrificial death allowed us to trade death for life, beauty for ashes and purpose for brokenness.
There is something truly amazing about a God who would sacrifice His only Son so that broken people could do beautiful things.
Redemption is important because none of us deserve to be called a son or daughter of God. However, in spite of ourselves, God chose us. He takes our broken, empty lives, covers them with grace and infuses them with purpose. The Bible is filled with stories of men and women who God used, not in spite of their brokenness, but because of it.
In the same way, heaven will be populated with former broken people – former slaves – even with their shortcomings, who have stories to tell full of adventure, grace, redemption and freedom.
Heavenly Father, take my brokenness and use it. Help me to lay down my weaknesses and shortcomings at the foot of the cross so that I can walk in freedom and victory.