Register to Vote
The Bible provides a foundation for understanding justice, compassion, integrity, and the sanctity of life. By voting in accordance with these values, we actively participate in shaping a society that upholds righteousness, cares for the vulnerable, and promotes the common good. It is a way to express one’s faith in action, contributing to the pursuit of a just and compassionate community that reflects the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Take action now—register to vote today!
Register to VoteVoting Biblical Principles
- Righteousness and Justice (Proverbs 21:3; Micah 6:8): Seek candidates and policies that promote righteousness, justice, and fairness in society.
- Compassion and Mercy (Matthew 25:31-46): Consider the impact of policies on the less fortunate and support measures that reflect compassion and mercy.
- Stewardship (Genesis 2:15):Look for candidates and policies that prioritize responsible stewardship of the environment and resources.
- Sanctity of Life (Psalm 139:13-16): Consider candidates’ positions on issues such as abortion and euthanasia, aligning your vote with a commitment to the sanctity of life.
- Humility and Servant Leadership (Mark 10:42-45): Favor leaders who demonstrate humility and a commitment to serving the needs of others.
- Truthfulness (Proverbs 12:22): Support candidates who value and uphold honesty, transparency, and truthfulness.
- Family Values (Ephesians 5:22-6:4): Consider candidates’ positions on issues related to family, marriage, and the well-being of children.
- Freedom and Liberty (Galatians 5:1): Advocate for policies that promote religious freedom, personal liberty, and the common good.
- Unity and Peacemaking (Matthew 5:9): Support leaders and policies that work toward unity, reconciliation, and peace in society.
- Prayer and Seeking God’s Guidance (Proverbs 3:5-6): Before voting, seek God’s guidance through prayer and reflection on biblical principles.
Take action now—register to vote today!
Register to Vote