Daily Devotion

May 7, 2024

The Power of a Proper Perspective (Part 3)

“Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.” Numbers 13:30


When God sent the twelve Israelites to spy over to the promised land, He wanted them to get a vision of where they were going and taste the good life He had planned for them. Lastly, He wanted to test their perception of themselves, their enemy, and their God. God knew that those three things would have to be dealt with in order for the people to walk by faith and do what He was calling them to do.


How you see yourself is so important because it affects the outcome of your destiny. The ten intimidated spies came back and said, “There are giants in the land…We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes.” Comparison belittles the uniqueness and greatness that God has placed in you. Never make little of what God has blessed you with and what He has anointed you to do. You can do things and reach people that no one else on this earth can. You are not a grasshopper! God uses people who believe in themselves and believe in Him. 


There’s a difference between humility and having a “grasshopper” complex. If you are murmuring about what God has given you, you are murmuring about Him. Joshua and Caleb returned and reported how huge the grapes were and how big the opportunity was for the future. They said, “Certainly, we can do it!” Grasshoppers see obstacles, but grape tasters see opportunities. Grasshoppers have a slave mentality, but grape tasters have a sonship mentality. The ten spies were comparing themselves to the giants instead of comparing their giants to their God! God didn’t create you to be intimidated by adversity or challenges. He said you are more than a conqueror. You serve a God who is bigger than any giant.  


God created us to live an abundant life filled with joy and peace. His plan wasn’t for you to walk around stressed and worried every day. God wants you to enjoy your life. God has some “grapes” planned for your life- grapes of purpose, favor, salvation, healing, prosperity, and blessing. Decide today: “This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalms 118:24)


Watch the Full Sermon Here
